Event Series Private:

Recovery Group

Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center 268 Central Street, Gardner, MA, United States

Drop in to this self-help meeting any or all Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm, which combines practices from several different types of groups into one safe peer-supported space. Topics are driven by the participants and will vary weekly.

Event Series Self Discovery Group

Self Discovery Group

Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center 268 Central Street, Gardner, MA, United States

Led by fellow veteran Dr. Bob Stair, this group focuses on mental health and well-being, including living with PTSD, anxiety, and/or depression

Event Series Private:

Recovery Group

Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center 268 Central Street, Gardner, MA, United States

Drop in to this self-help meeting any or all Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00pm, which combines practices from several different types of groups into one safe peer-supported space. Topics are driven by the participants and will vary weekly.